And because drugs rapidly cross the placenta, exposed newborns tend to have lower Apgar scores, to be sleepy and withdrawn, to such poorly during feeding, and to be irritable when awake. We considered significant values of p < 0.05. Non-cephalic presentations, multiples and malformations were excluded.

Problems: Epidural weakens uterine contractions as a result, labor is prolonged and the chances of a cesarean (surgical) delivery increase. Each variable is given a value from 0 to 2, and a score between 7 and 10 is considered to be normal. Among children with 1 min Apgar scores in the 710 range, changes in Apgar scores between 1 and 5 min were associated with significant differences in developmental vulnerability. Cases were term births with Apgar score less than 7 in the fifth minute, and controls, the next one or two births following a case, with Apgar of 7 or more. Because the mother retains the capacity to feel the pressure of the contractions and to move her trunk and legs, she is able to push during the second stage of labor. Because their hands and feet remain blue until they are quite warm, few score a perfect 10. This limits pain reduction just to the pelvic region instead of the entire lower half of the body. Most newborn infants have Apgar scores greater than 7. Epidural analgesia (most common approach to controlling pain during labor) a regional pain-relieving drug is delivered continuously through a catheter into a small space in the lower spine.

Analgesics, drugs used to relieve pain, may be given in mild doses during labor to help a mother relax -Anesthetics are a stronger type of painkiller that blocks sensation.
#Apgar score of 7 pdf#
Some form of medication is used in more than 80% of US births. Split-Screen Views PDF Share Tools The Apgar score provides an accepted and convenient method for reporting the status of the newborn infant immediately after birth and the response to resuscitation if needed.